Sunday, December 21, 2008

What's Next for Sarah Palin

Nobody knows for sure other than her. She may not even know. Just in case, we're going to leave this blog open for a while. In the meantime, here are some images that we've accumulated - a tribute to Sarah Palin.

Read more about Sarah Palin on this blog.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Palin: Obama will "punish hard work."

You can put lipstick on a tax hike and it's still a tax hike.

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin says Democrats would raise taxes and "punish hard work."  What she is referring to is the whole "redistribution of wealth" model that Barack Obama is promoting as part of his campaign that will effect everyone from equipment leasing companies to Los Angeles Honda Dealers.

The idea is simple.  Americans normally have a "me first" attitude when it comes to their finances, so even if it makes no fiscal sense for the economy to "take from the rich and give to the poor" the important thing that the Obama campaign wants people to focus on is the idea that the majority of people will get more money.

In reality, this would be a disaster in an economy that is already fragile, and Sarah Palin knows it.  John McCain knows it.

Sadly, Barack Obama knows it to, but whatever it takes to get to the White House, he will say it.

As Palin said, "If big government spenders control the House and the Senate and heaven forbid the White House, they will have a monopoly in Washington."

Heaven forbid.

Read more about Sarah Palin's Views on this blog.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sarah Palin can Shoot

Whether it's the hunter mentality or simply her conservative nature, Sarah Palin can do one thing better than most Vice Presidential candidates (other than Dick Cheney).

The girl can shoot.  We're not talking a .22 or anything.  Check this out:

Read more about Sarah Palin and the Military on this blog.

Monday, October 20, 2008

SNL Pushes Palin's Image Up a Bit

It wasn't much.  Being able to appear on Saturday Night Live and show the world that she can be entertaining and laugh at herself was a positive, but it wasn't really as dramatic as some had hoped depsite giving the show it's best ratings since last century.

No, the real need in this campaign is for Palin to step up and prove to the American public that she could step in and be President of the United States in a moment's notice if needed.  If she can play to that demographic, the Democrats and even an increasing number of Republicans who doubt her qualifications and abilities, then she may make the same impact that she had right after the Republican National Convention.

If she cannot do this in the next two weeks, her choice as Vice President may be looked upon as an error in judgment enough to cost the GOP the White House.

Read more Sarah Palin Opinions on this blog.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Palin Slams Big Business, Biden

One thing about Sarah Palin has been made very clear over the last few days: she has no problem with talking straight when it comes to the economy and oil.

Before going to a fund raiser put on by Wall Street big wigs, Palin went after many of them on the issue of greed causing the problems with the economy.  She then turned her attention to Joe Biden, a Pennsylvania native, during a stop in his home state.

Her attack was geared towards Biden's reluctance to drill off the oil-rich Pacific coast.

As part of her riff on energy policy, Palin said, “Joe Biden had said that there’s no such thing as clean coal when we talked about clean-coal technology that’s needed.” The crowd booed. “Biden also has called environmentally friendly offshore drilling, he’s called it raping the outer continental shelf,” she said to more boos.

With the final presidential debate looming, she is finding the spotlight pull away from her a bit.  It appears that the time has come to put Sarah Palin back in the spotlight.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The real reason behind media attacks against Palin

Conservatives know by now that the dominant liberal media is not just out to criticize Gov. Sarah Palin. They are on a drive to destroy her. But conservatives are missing the reason why.

Below is a story that explains in detail the reason why the media wants to destroy Sarah Palin.

First, my two cents:

There is a double standard with Palin amongst feminists. Her achievements, fearlessness, and rise to one of the most powerful positions any woman has held is overlooked for one reason, she is a conservative. This hardly seems fair given the fact that she would have been considered a saint if she were a Democrat, but the fact is they are the ones leading the attacks, wanting to destroy her credibility and her character. Why? They are after blood, because they know what her being a VP could mean for the future of the far-left Dems, you know, the ones in control of congress, and for that matter, America. If anyone in this election could be painted as "The One", it would be Sarah Palin. Just like in the movie "The Matrix", the agents are after her, and they are hell bent on making sure she doesn't make it to the White House.

Read "The Media's Vendetta Against Palin" here:

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Soccer Moms Feel it from Sarah Palin

Here is a great article that is the first real response after the Vice-Presidential debate that actually made sense.  It talks about the real goal of the debate and how it was achieved.

The number of people who are on the fence is actually a lot smaller than most think.  The goal here was not to sway voters.  That's up to McCain and Obama.  The real goal of the VP debate for Palin was to give a sense of security to those who are already considering her.  They aren't on the fence - they just needed to be anchored back into their place.

Mission accomplished.  Now onto the real debates.

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Read more on this Sarah Palin Blog or visit this post about Palin on the Issues.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sarah Palin: The Issues

This is a great source for finding out where Sarah Palin stands on the most important issues facing America today.  It is unbiased and offers data based upon histories instead of opinions.

It will be very important as the election nears for voters to be aware of where their candidates stand on the issues.  So much is put into showing the public what a candidate's (or their competitor's) campaign team wants us to see that the facts can sometimes be blurred.  It is sites like this one listed below that offer the right information regardless of one's political affiliation.


Read about Sarah Palin on the Issues, or continue to read this Sarah Palin Blog.  The last story posted was about the Palin Biden Debate coming up.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Palin-Biden Debate: Do or Die Comes to St Louis

With the first McCain-Obama over with no clear winner, this Thursday's Vice-Presidential debate between Republican Sarah Palin and Democrat Joe Biden may prove to be the "do or die" moment of the campaign.

Palin has been under a lot a scrutiny and even more heat over the last two weeks because of what many consider to be poor showings in two of her major interviews.  She has been shielded in many ways from the press, even though that seems to have lightened up a bit lately.

This debate is Palin's opportunity to show the world one of two things: either she can stand up and show herself as strong enough to be the leader of the country or that she wasn't the right choice for Vice-President.  Biden, a veteran to debates and spotlights, will not make it easy for her to shine.

How this plays out could determine everything.  If she is able to hold her own or even defeat Biden in the debate, the focus will then be pointed back to the big-ticket show of Obama vs McCain.  If she comes off poorly again, then the focus will stay on her.

If that happens, it will be difficult for the GOP to recover.  Then again, if she shines, it could be enough to sway those voters who were leaning towards McCain but who had reservations about Palin.

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Read more about Sarah Palin GOP or check out this image of a Sarah Palin wall poster.