With the first McCain-Obama over with
no clear winner, this Thursday's
Vice-Presidential debate between Republican Sarah Palin and Democrat Joe Biden may prove to be the "do or die" moment of the campaign.
Palin has been under a lot a scrutiny and even more heat over the last two weeks because of what many consider to be poor showings in two of her major interviews. She has been shielded in many ways from the press, even though that seems to have lightened up a bit lately.
This debate is Palin's opportunity to show the world one of two things: either she can stand up and show herself as strong enough to be the leader of the country or that she wasn't the right choice for Vice-President. Biden, a veteran to debates and spotlights, will not make it easy for her to shine.
How this plays out could determine everything. If she is able to hold her own or even defeat Biden in the debate, the focus will then be pointed back to the big-ticket show of Obama vs McCain. If she comes off poorly again, then the focus will stay on her.
If that happens, it will be difficult for the GOP to recover. Then again, if she shines, it could be enough to sway those voters who were leaning towards McCain but who had reservations about Palin.
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