Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Palin Slams Big Business, Biden

One thing about Sarah Palin has been made very clear over the last few days: she has no problem with talking straight when it comes to the economy and oil.

Before going to a fund raiser put on by Wall Street big wigs, Palin went after many of them on the issue of greed causing the problems with the economy.  She then turned her attention to Joe Biden, a Pennsylvania native, during a stop in his home state.

Her attack was geared towards Biden's reluctance to drill off the oil-rich Pacific coast.

As part of her riff on energy policy, Palin said, “Joe Biden had said that there’s no such thing as clean coal when we talked about clean-coal technology that’s needed.” The crowd booed. “Biden also has called environmentally friendly offshore drilling, he’s called it raping the outer continental shelf,” she said to more boos.

With the final presidential debate looming, she is finding the spotlight pull away from her a bit.  It appears that the time has come to put Sarah Palin back in the spotlight.

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