We weren't going to post about this, as it is an outrage and outright invasion of privacy, but being that it is news and it is about Sarah Palin, it belongs here.
The hackers, presumably Anonymous, the hacker group that has claimed responsibility, were able to access her Yahoo! email addresses. There is no word on how they were able to hack into the email, but the issue has been drawing questions about using personal email addresses for official government business.
While on the surface it seems bad, it really is not. Email is a private issue regardless of what the venue is. It's like having mail sent to a home instead of a government office. Regardless of where the destination is, one can expect a certain level of privacy and security in knowing that the mail will be delivered and that the contents of the mail will not be opened by others.
This is not an issue that needs to be made political. If it turns out that serious, official government business was performed via these emails, then the question can be re-examined, but the content of the emails that have been posted are far from "official". They seem to be more geared towards personal relationships with others. The fact that two of them were in the government does not change this. The content was personal. She wasn't transferring sensitive or secret documents via these emails.
Until there can be evidence brought out to the contrary, this is not an issue that should be turned political. Sadly, it already is.
Sarah Palin, the Republican running mate of John McCain, has had her email account broken into by hackers.