Friday, August 29, 2008

How Green is Sarah Palin?

On the Greenopolis social networking site, this author discusses the environmental issues and how Sarah Palin weighs in on Green issues. As an Alaskan, she has a natural tendency towards eco-friendliness, but when it comes to political issues, is she green enough? This post tries to address the question.

Here is an excerpt from the post:
  • She has been an avid moose-hunter since childhood and is still a strong believer in gun ownership.
  • A considerable amount of her family's income comes from the gas company BP as her husband is an oil production operator for BP..
  • Palin said that she would sue the Interior Department over its decision to list the polar bear as a threatened species. Her litigation came from fear because Alaska produces fossil fuels, although the wording of the Interior Department decision went to great lengths to ward off any new restrictions on oil and gas drilling.

(via Greenopolis)

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