Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sarah Palin: star injects new life into lumbering campaign

British news site Times Online gives an extraordinary account of how Sarah Palin has invigorated the campaign in ways that nobody expected. Her raw political talent may just end up being enough to propel her party and her running mate over the top.

She is, in many ways, the trump card to Obama. With a personality that is electrifying to her party and compelling to many Democrats (especially Hillary Clinton supporters) Palin brings to the table fresh and powerful ideas and the ability to deliver them in an effective manner.
The enthusiasm generated by Sarah Palin, the Republican party’s new “northern star”, on her first tour of Middle America this weekend has revived Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign to such a remarkable extent that she is outshining her running mate. If Sarah can expand the Republican electorate, McCain will be swept into the White House.

(via Times Online UK)
Check out Sarah Palin and her Superstar status on this blog.

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